Catherine is an ero-horror game published by Atlus, who is mastermind of Persona series. Catherine is Atlus's first released game for seventh generation console, of course for Xbox360 and Playstation 3, this game considered as puzzle platformer adventure. The game was released in Japan on February 17, 2011, and in North America on July 26, 2011.Deep Silver will release the game in Europe on October 28, 2011.
As for gameplay, there are 2 main story mode, which is Daytime and Nightmare scenarios. During the daytime, player will converse with his friends as well as try to handle his relationship with the other protagonists, Catherine and Katherine. Player also can save and send text messages from his mobile phone, talk to customers, order drinks, play a minigame titled Rapunzel or listen to a jukebox containing tracks from other Atlus games such as the Persona series. During the Nightmare, the real story begins. You player will control main character escapes from deathly trap set by Mysterious Person.
Despite it is an ero-horror game, the date simulation quite interesting..and there are multiple endings
Here some preview, taken from SankakuComplex
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